Month: June 2010

ASP.NET Uppercase text in a Textbox control

Earlier today I was looking for an easy way to force users to enter Uppercase text into a textbox on a web form I was creating. There are a few different solutions out there, including some Javascript functions to call when the user types into the text box, but I wanted something that wouldn’t require…

DropBox – Online data storage

A work colleague showed me DropBox today, as they were saying they have work files spread between their desktop at home, and a laptop. Now, I haven’t used it yet, but DropBox seems to be a nice and easy way to set up a synced folder between multiple machines. The only issue I have with…

Theme Change

Just a quick note to say I’ve changed the theme of my site. I need to make a few minor changes which I will do shortly. Let me know what you think.